Camila dos Santos Souza Andrade

I’m Camila Andrade, a Black woman, physiotherapist from the University of Southwest Bahia (UESB); Master by the State University of Feira de Santana (UEFS); Doctor in Collective Health by the Institute of Collective Health of the Federal University of Bahia (ISC – UFBA); and Researcher of the integrated program Community, Family and Health (FASA – ISC – UFBA).

In my academic career as a researcher, I developed projects in the areas of Epidemiology and Social Sciences in Health and on the themes of violence and social vulnerability involving children, adolescents and their families. As a teacher, I taught disciplines within the field of Collective Health such as: Epidemiology, Health Policies and Introduction to Collective Health and Methodologies for scientific research.

I participated in the implementation and structuring phase of the ECLIPSE project here in Brazil in February / March 2019, but for personal reasons it was not possible to continue the research activities. In this second meeting with ECLIPSE, I now have the opportunity to study leishmaniasis morbidity from the perspective of stigma among children and adolescents. I will do this through the epidemiological profile and methodologies of participation and active listening of this population group.

Thank you for the opportunity and I am happy to learn with and from team members.